Telangana police arrested actor Allu Arjun on Friday afternoon in connection with a tragic stampede during the premiere of his latest film, Pushpa 2: The Rule, at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre. The incident claimed the life of a fan, Revathi, and left her son critically injured. Arjun is the fourth person arrested following the theatre owner and two employees.
Videos Capture Arjun’s Calm Demeanor Pre-Arrest
Footage from X (formerly Twitter) revealed Arjun dressed in Pushpa 2 merchandise and sipping coffee with his wife, Allu Sneha Reddy, father Allu Aravind, and brother Allu Sirish before his arrest.
As the police waited, Arjun reassured his family not to worry. He told the officers, “We can go now, sir, I’m done with my coffee.” However, the actor expressed displeasure about the police entering his bedroom, stating, “You’re not wrong to take me in, but it’s too much to come up to my bedroom. That’s not good.”
In another video, Allu Aravind attempted to accompany his son in the police vehicle. Arjun stopped him, saying, “Only I should get whatever credit comes out of this, be it good or bad.”
The actor was later seen in a plain t-shirt and shorts, escorted by multiple policemen as they entered the lift.
#Arrest @alluarjun video
— devipriya (@sairaaj44) December 13, 2024
— devipriya (@sairaaj44) December 13, 2024
What Happened at Sandhya Theatre?
The incident occurred on December 4 during the premiere of Pushpa 2, at which Arjun appeared to view the film with fans. The huge crowd turned into a stampede, due to which Revathi and her son were asphyxiated. While Revathi tragically succumbed, her son is still being treated in the hospital and is in critical condition.
A complaint by Revathi’s family led to the initial arrest of the theatre owner and two staff members by police. Arjun’s arrest came later as part of the ongoing investigations.
Arjun’s Promise to the Victim’s Family
Addressing the tragedy, Allu Arjun expressed regret over the loss and assured financial support to the bereaved family. Fans and critics continue to debate the circumstances surrounding his arrest as investigations proceed.