Telugu actor Allu Arjun was arrested by Hyderabad police in connection with a stampede during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2 on December 4. The tragic incident occurred at Sandhya Theatre, resulting in the death of a 39-year-old woman and leaving her son critically injured.
Following the incident, the police registered a case against the management of Sandhya Theatre, Allu Arjun, and his security team. Officials revealed they were not informed in advance about the film team’s attendance at the premiere, which contributed to the disorder.
The case, filed at the Chikkadpally police station, was registered under sections of the law addressing culpable homicide not amounting to murder (BNS section 105) and voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt (118(1) r/w 3(5)).
A team from Chikkadpally police station detained Arjun on Friday as part of their inquiry. Deputy Commissioner of Police Akshansh Yadav stated that a thorough investigation is underway and emphasized that those responsible for the chaos would face stringent legal action.
The incident has raised concerns about safety measures at public events, particularly those involving high-profile personalities.
ALSO READ: Allu Arjun Arrested In Sandhya Theatre Stampede Case
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