In a startling incident that shook the foundations of the Indian Parliament, two individuals managed to breach security and create chaos in the Lok Sabha during the Zero Hour. The breach occurred as the intruders sprayed yellow gas, triggering panic among lawmakers and parliamentary staff. The incident prompted an immediate response from Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who issued a statement in the Lok Sabha, cautioning all Members of Parliament (MPs) against issuing entry passes without due diligence.
Thursday’s parliamentary session was marked by uproar and slogans as opposition members demanded a statement from either Prime Minister Narendra Modi or Union Home Minister Amit Shah. As the clock struck 11 am, both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha echoed with chants of ‘Shame, shame,’ leading to the adjournment of both houses.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, addressing the gravity of the situation, stated, “It was an unfortunate incident. There are no two opinions about it. And you (Speaker) ordered an inquiry into the incident immediately. All MPs — both government and the opposition — should be alert to not issue passes to someone who can create such an anarchic situation in the House.”
Singh also drew attention to past incidents in the old parliamentary building, emphasizing the need for a collective condemnation of the breach. The Defence Minister’s remarks shed light on the recurring challenges faced in maintaining security within the Parliament premises.
In response to the breach, eight Lok Sabha personnel were suspended from their duties. The Home Ministry swiftly initiated a probe into the incident, resulting in the arrest of five individuals under stringent anti-terror charges of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
The security breach has raised concerns about the vulnerabilities in the Parliament’s security apparatus, prompting a call for a comprehensive review and reinforcement of the existing measures. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining the sanctity of the parliamentary space and the need for a united front in addressing security challenges. As investigations unfold, the nation awaits further actions and reassurances to ensure the safety and integrity of its parliamentary proceedings.
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