Eye Strokes Are Common In Summers, Know Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Eye strokes are critical eye conditions that can result in vision loss if left untreated. These issues become more prevalent during the summer when temperatures are at their highest.

Eye strokes are critical eye conditions that can result in vision loss if left untreated. These issues become more prevalent during the summer when temperatures are at their highest. Besides dehydration, extreme heat can cause severe health problems, potentially affecting the heart, brain, eyes, lungs, liver, intestines, and kidneys. The eyes, being one of the most sensitive organs, are particularly vulnerable. Direct exposure to the sun’s rays and hot air increases the risk of eye strokes in the summer.

What Causes an Eye Stroke?

A heat wave can cause inflammation of the corneal cells, commonly referred to as an eye stroke. This condition occurs when the retina is damaged by blood clots formed due to excessive heat, which blocks oxygen supply to the eyes, damaging the retina. People with underlying health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stress need to be especially vigilant during the summer.

Recognizing Heat-Related Eye Issues

Signs of an eye stroke can include persistent allergies, eye swelling, conjunctivitis-like symptoms, dryness, inflammation of the corneal cells, blood clots, or disrupted blood flow to the retina. These symptoms indicate that your eyes may be suffering from the effects of a heat wave.

Symptoms of Eye Stroke

– Floaters: Grey spots appearing in your vision can signal an eye stroke

– Vision Loss:A gradual or sudden decrease in vision is a serious warning sign

– Pain and Pressure: Although eye strokes are usually painless, sensations of pressure or mild pain in the eyes can indicate a problem

– Bleeding: Any bleeding from the eyes is a definite sign that immediate medical attention is needed



Eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise.

Keeping your blood sugar levels steady if you have diabetes.

Managing your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and eye pressure levels.

Having regular appointments with your eye care provider.

Quitting smoking.


It is crucial to protect your eyes during the summer, especially if you have existing health conditions. Early identification and treatment of eye stroke symptoms can prevent serious damage.