Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on Thursday following an attack by an intruder at his Bandra residence. The surgery aimed to remove a knife lodged in his spine and neck while addressing complications caused by a Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) leak.
Doctors confirmed that the actor was moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) after a procedure to extract the knife and repair a spinal fluid leak. The spinal cord is protected by CSF, a fluid encased in a tough membrane called the dura. A stabbing injury, like the one Khan suffered, can cause a dural tear, leading to a CSF leak.
Dr. Jayesh Sardhara, a senior neuro and spine surgeon at Fortis Hospital, explained that such leaks pose significant risks, including infections like meningitis and arachnoiditis. “These conditions can result in headaches, seizures, and, in severe cases, paralysis,” he noted.
Minor leaks are often managed with medication, but major leaks require surgical intervention, such as Duraplasty, a procedure to seal the tear in the dura.
CSF serves as a protective cushion for the brain and spinal cord, reducing the brain’s weight to prevent pressure on the skull and safeguarding against injuries. It also supplies nutrients, removes waste, and protects against infections.
Dr. Naveen S. Tahasildar, a spine specialist at SPARSH Hospital, Bangalore, emphasized the debilitating symptoms of a CSF leak, including intense headaches, nausea, and neck stiffness. “It also regulates intracranial pressure, ensuring proper brain function,” he added.
Recovery from a CSF leak depends on the severity of the injury and the treatment method. In less severe cases, bed rest, increased hydration (especially caffeine), and avoiding strenuous activities are sufficient.
For more severe cases, an epidural blood patch can be used, where a patient’s blood is injected near the leak site to form a clot. In Khan’s case, doctors opted for surgical intervention due to the extent of the injury. This involved techniques like suturing the dura, applying grafts, or using sealants.
Post-surgery recovery typically requires patients to avoid physical activity for two to four weeks to prevent re-injury or re-leak.
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