The skies over Thiruvidanthai along the East Coast Road in Chennai were transformed into a vibrant canvas on Friday morning as the 10th edition of the Tamil Nadu International Balloon Festival (TNIBF) launched with stunning hot air balloons. The event, which runs until January 12, kicked off with 10 spectacular balloons from eight countries, including Austria, Brazil, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Tourism Minister R. Rajendran, along with Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises T. M. Anbarasan and IAS officers Dr. Chandra Mohan B and Shilpa Prabhakar Satish, were present to inaugurate this much-awaited festival. This year’s TNIBF promises an exciting experience for attendees, with a host of visually appealing and uniquely shaped balloons.
On January 10, 2025, the Honourable Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MS&ME), Thiru T.M. Anbarasan, and the Honourable Minister for Tourism, Thiru R. Rajendran, inaugurated the 10th Edition of International Balloon Festival in Thiruvidanthai, ECR-Chennai.
— Tamil Nadu Tourism (@tntourismoffcl) January 10, 2025
Among the standout attractions were the Wes the Wolf from the United Kingdom, Hugo the Cheetah from Austria, and the Belgian balloon named Cameron. The sight of these massive, colorful balloons floating in the sky captivated the large crowd that gathered to witness the spectacle. In addition to the floating giants, the festival also featured mini balloon models, offering visitors the opportunity to learn about the mechanics of hot air balloons.
Tamil Nadu International balloon festival #hotairballoonfestival
— High Peak Extreme (@highpeakextreme) January 11, 2025
The TNIBF is set to take place in three cities this year. After its launch in Chennai, the festival will continue from January 14 to 16 in Pollachi, before concluding with an exciting display in Madurai from January 18 to 19 at the Kalaignar Centenary Jallikattu Arena. The festival promises to bring together families, children, and enthusiasts to explore the wonders of hot air balloons and discover how these magnificent aircraft work.
Benedict Savio, the founder of the event, noted that balloon events heavily rely on weather conditions, stressing that the safety of all participants is a top priority. All balloon flights are conducted by certified pilots, ensuring adherence to strict civil aviation regulations for a safe and enjoyable experience.
This year’s festival is particularly significant as it marks the first time TNIBF will be held in Madurai, expanding its reach and bringing the charm of hot air balloons to even more parts of Tamil Nadu. The festival is expected to draw large crowds, contributing to both tourism and the region’s cultural vibrancy.
The 10th Tamil Nadu International Balloon Festival has certainly made an unforgettable start with its dazzling displays, and it will surely continue to captivate visitors over the next few days.