A 19-year-old college student, Priyanka, was found hanging from the balcony of her Bengaluru residence in Rajajinagar on November 29. Police reports state that Priyanka left a suicide note in which she said that her college mate, Diganth, cheated her off ₹15 lakh worth of gold ornaments saying that these would be invested in casinos. Though she made so many requests, he never returned the ornaments.
The complaint of Bharath Kumar has informed the suicide case against Diganth under Section 108 of the Indian Penal Code by Rajajinagar police. The investigation will widen to establish his involvement and cause.
In another shocking instance, a Karnataka resident has been siphoned off ₹1.7 crore by scammers impersonating agents of CBI and TRAI. The defrauded started with a call that alleged the victim was misusing a mobile number for illegal activities in Mumbai. The call then threatened to file an FIR and suspend mobile services unless a hefty sum was transferred.
Cyber fraud continues increasing in Bengaluru. A woman aged 39 ended up losing 6 lakh because her online ‘boyfriend’ fooled her into believing that someone was sending her gifts. The online fraudster demanded money for receiving gifts.
These incidents underscore the rising threat of cyber and personal scams, prompting authorities to urge citizens to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities.
ALSO READ: Cybercrime In Delhi Soars: ₹452 Crore Lost In Six Months Amid Rising Scams
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