A 20-year-old college intern in Bengaluru faced harassment and threats from an auto driver, highlighting a troubling issue for commuters. The student shared his ordeal on X (formerly Twitter), detailing how the driver demanded an additional ₹200 over the fare shown on the app and used racial slurs.
The intern, who is completing his internship in Bengaluru, revealed that the driver also threatened to attack him outside his workplace. Describing the experience as deeply unsettling, he provided video evidence and payment screenshots to substantiate his claims.
It mentioned, “I had to pay him ₹500 (₹400 in cash and ₹100 via UPI) instead of ₹380 as reflected on the app so that he could leave me and my friend alone. He had called two of his drunk friends who were going to pounce on us, and he kept abusing us nonstop.”
Got harassed and threatened by a Bengaluru auto driver. He has told me that he will beat me up outside my office whenever I go. And said racial slurs. He was asking for 200rs extra out of nowhere. Just a 20 year college student returning back from my internship @nammayatri pic.twitter.com/GwsYPqMrCI
— Fak3eer (@fak3eer) December 6, 2024
Responding to the intern‘s shocking post, the auto operator Namma Yatri expressed their apology regarding the incident. Their official statement reads:
“Hi. We are sorry about what happened. Situations like this are unacceptable. Your safety and comfort is paramount to us, and we assure that incidents like this won’t happen again. If you need help, DM us.”
Social Media Outcry
The incident has ignited widespread concern among X users, many of whom called for immediate action against the driver. A user commented, “The harassment and threats by autorickshaw drivers in Bengaluru are becoming a regular issue. It’s causing a lot of distress for commuters. Please take action to ensure public safety and address this growing concern.”
Another user asked, “Why does this keep happening in Bengaluru? If this goes up, there will come a time when people will think, should we go there or not?”
Similar incidents in other cities also surfaced in the conversation. One user remarked, “This happens in Chennai also, where they will ask you to pay extra more than what is shown in the app.”
This incident sheds light on the safety concerns faced by commuters in Bengaluru and other cities. The growing frequency of such cases underscores the need for stricter measures to regulate auto services and ensure public safety.
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