The Rajasthan High Court on Tuesday granted interim bail to self-styled godman Asaram, currently serving life imprisonment for the 2013 rape of a minor. This decision follows the Supreme Court’s order last week, granting him bail until March 31 in another rape case on medical grounds.
The division bench, comprising Justices Dinesh Mehta and Vineet Kumar Mathur, approved Asaram’s plea after his counsels highlighted its similarity to the one presented in the apex court. “We argued that the plea was of a similar nature to the Supreme Court case, and the grounds were equally valid,” said Asaram’s counsel, Nishant Bora.
While the conditions for bail mirror those set by the Supreme Court on January 7, there is an additional stipulation. “If Asaram wishes to travel outside Jodhpur, he must bear the expenses for three constables assigned to escort him,” Bora stated.
Asaram’s life imprisonment stems from a 2018 lower court verdict that found him guilty of sexually assaulting a minor at his Jodhpur ashram in 2013. The Supreme Court had recently cited Asaram’s deteriorating health and need for medical treatment as reasons for granting him interim relief.
The interim bail provides temporary relief for Asaram, but his legal battles remain far from over. His high-profile cases continue to draw attention, with supporters and critics alike debating the implications of his conditional freedom.
As the March 31 deadline for his interim bail approaches, all eyes remain on how Asaram’s legal team navigates the upcoming challenges, with justice and public sentiment hanging in a delicate balance.
ALSO READ: Sexual Harassment Case: Kerala HC Allows Bail Plea Of Boby Chemmanur