Under the imposing statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Patna’s historic Gandhi Maidan, Prashant Kishor, founder of the Jan Suraaj Party, has initiated a fast-unto-death since Thursday. Surrounded by scores of students and supporters, Kishor’s strike is a significant political move aimed at addressing critical issues in Bihar.
Notably, Kishor is the first politician permitted to hold a protest at Gandhi Maidan, bypassing the usual site for demonstrations at Gardanibagh. This exception reflects the state government’s cautious approach toward handling Kishor, who, despite being a relatively new player in politics, has garnered considerable public attention.
The dharna site is filled with a mix of students, youth, and elderly individuals who have come out to support Kishor’s cause. The presence of people from diverse backgrounds underscores the widespread resonance of his demands.
Determination Amid Challenges
VIDEO | BPSC Protest: Here’s what Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor (@PrashantKishor) said after medical team visited Gandhi Maidan in Patna to assess his health.
“The doctor gave advice based on their medical assessment, which is their job. If you are observing a… pic.twitter.com/WJwXJe43ba
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 5, 2025
When asked about the continuation of his fast, Kishor responded firmly:
“This is not a matter of discussion. What we are doing, we will continue to do. There will be no change in that. Doctors have given their medical assessment and advice, which is their job. However, when you undertake such a fast, you already know that there will be some health complications. This is nothing new.”
Kishor’s resolve highlights his commitment to his mission, even as concerns grow over his health.
A Broader Movement
Kishor’s hunger strike comes alongside protests at Gardanibagh, where other activists and groups continue to raise their voices on various issues. While separate in location, the ongoing demonstrations reflect a growing wave of discontent and demand for change in Bihar.
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