A gruesome discovery unfolded in Madhya Pradesh’s Dewas city on Friday when the decomposed body of a woman was found inside a refrigerator in a house located in Vrindavan Dham Colony. The woman, draped in a saree and adorned with jewelry, was found with her hands tied and a noose around her neck. Authorities suspect she may have been murdered in June 2024, a police official revealed.
The unsettling incident came to light after a foul odor prompted neighbors to alert the property owner, Dhirendra Shrivastava, who resides in Indore. Upon investigating the locked portion of his property, Shrivastava discovered the body inside a refrigerator with its shelves removed. He immediately contacted the police, said Dewas Superintendent of Police (SP) Puneet Gehlot.
Tenant’s Involvement Under Scrutiny
The property had been rented to Sanjay Patidar, a resident of Ujjain, in June 2023. A year later, Patidar vacated most of the house but left some belongings in a locked study room and the master bedroom, informing the landlord that he would collect them later. Despite vacating, Patidar occasionally visited the property, according to SP Gehlot.
Recently, the current tenant requested the landlord to unlock the rooms containing Patidar’s belongings. Shrivastava showed the rooms to the tenant but re-secured them and cut off the electricity supply to the unused sections on Wednesday. This power outage rendered the refrigerator non-functional, leading to the stench that raised suspicions, explained Bank Note Press police station inspector Amit Solanki.
Investigation Underway
Authorities have taken Sanjay Patidar into custody for questioning regarding the incident. Initial inquiries suggest the crime may have occurred while Patidar was still occupying the house. “We suspect the woman’s murder occurred in June 2024, and further investigations are underway to uncover the motive and circumstances,” stated SP Gehlot.
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