The Delhi Police issued a fresh notice on Sunday to Mohinder Goyal, an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legislator, in connection with the fake Aadhaar card case. The case involves the alleged creation of Aadhaar cards for Bangladeshi nationals, leading to several arrests, according to news agency ANI.
This development follows an earlier notice sent to Goyal on Saturday, requesting him to join the investigation. However, the Rithala MLA denied receiving any notice and dismissed the allegations as “politically motivated.”
AAP’s Goyal Denies Allegations
Reacting to the allegations, Goyal stated, “They (police) say this is a matter of making Aadhaar cards for Bangladeshis. Whereas nothing like this has been done from my side to date. This is only politically motivated. We neither do any wrong nor are we in favour of any wrongdoing… all this is politically motivated.”
In addition to summoning Goyal, the police have also called in members of his staff for interrogation to probe further into the case.
BJP Accuses AAP of Vote Manipulation
The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched sharp attacks on the AAP over the issue. The BJP accused the Arvind Kejriwal-led party of attempting to secure votes from “Bangladeshi infiltrators” by using fake Aadhaar cards.
The timing of the controversy is significant, as the issue of illegal immigrants has become a prominent topic ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections scheduled for February 5.
BJP leaders alleged that such actions by AAP were aimed at influencing voter demographics in Delhi, a city where the party has been in power since December 2013, having replaced the Congress government.
Upcoming Assembly Elections
The controversy adds to the political tension as Delhi gears up for the assembly polls. The elections feature a three-way contest between the AAP, which seeks a fourth consecutive term, the BJP, and the Congress.
In previous elections, AAP achieved sweeping victories, securing 67 seats in 2015 and 62 seats in 2020 in the 70-member Delhi Assembly. The BJP emerged as the primary opposition party in both elections, while the Congress failed to win a single seat.
The counting of votes is scheduled for February 8, and this latest controversy is expected to be a major talking point in the lead-up to the polls.
Amid the BJP’s criticism, the AAP has strongly refuted the allegations, labeling them a ploy to divert attention from the party’s governance record. AAP leaders have emphasized their commitment to transparency and fairness, asserting that they do not support any illegal activity.