AAP MP Sanjay Singh went to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) office to lodge a formal complaint against BJP leaders Parvesh Verma and Manjinder Singh Sirsa on Thursday. The complaint alleges that both leaders distributed cash to voters in the New Delhi constituency, where AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal is the sitting MLA. Singh was accompanied by other AAP leaders, including Chief Minister Atishi, who had earlier accused Verma of distributing cash at his official residence, 20 Windsor Place.
Atishi also mentioned that several journalists had captured video evidence showing women leaving Verma’s residence with BJP pamphlets featuring the faces of Verma and other senior party leaders, along with envelopes containing cash. This prompted AAP to take further legal action, filing a criminal complaint against Verma at the Bara Khamba Police Station in New Delhi.
The complaint accuses Verma of attempting to bribe voters to influence the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. It further claims that such actions undermine the political environment and distort the electoral process. The complaint also refers to the act of bribing voters as a serious threat to the democratic fabric of society.
In the complaint, AAP argues that Verma’s actions were designed to gain an unfair advantage in the elections by offering cash to voters and using falsified documents. This, according to the complaint, violates multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code, specifically relating to bribery, electoral malpractices, and the use of fabricated documents to influence the public’s voting decisions.
Also Read: World’s Largest Election: EC Shares Data For 2024 Lok Sabha Election
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