Tensions have flared in Delhi on Wednesday as AAP leaders faced off against the police after they were not allowed into the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The controversy is one fueled by the BJP, which has been accusing the AAP government of turning the bungalow at 6 Flagstaff Road into a palace of indulgence, complete with a “golden commode,” swimming pool, and mini bar.
AAP Rajya Sabha MP Saurabh Bhardwaj and Delhi Minister Sanjay Singh had planned a media visit to the bungalow in response to BJP claims that it was excessively luxurious. The two leaders, however, were turned away at the entrance when police told them that the decision had come from above.
The two leaders protested with a dharna in front of the bungalow and aired their anger while accusing the BJP of making false propaganda against AAP.
Bhardwaj criticized the BJP for spreading lies about the chief minister’s residence. “BJP’s lies and propaganda have been exposed today,” he declared. He added that the BJP had been relentlessly spreading rumors about the so-called golden toilet, swimming pool, and mini bar in Kejriwal’s official residence.
“Today, I brought the media with me, but we are being met with water cannons and a heavy police presence. Are we terrorists?” Bhardwaj asked, highlighting the proportionate response to their peaceful protest .
The controversy began when the BJP claimed that the Delhi CM’s residence was renovated and fitted with lavishness, terming it a “Sheesh Mahal” (palace of mirrors). The BJP accused Kejriwal of displaying opulence during his tenure, claiming that it reflected an excessive and unnecessary indulgence of taxpayer money.
In response, the AAP provided the media with a chance to visit the bungalow, believing that a public tour would debunk the BJP’s narrative. Bhardwaj emphasized that their intention was to verify the existence of these luxury items. “Every day, BJP leaders release videos and photos of the residence. Today, we came to see the truth, but the police have barricaded the place. If they had allowed us, the truth would have been revealed,” Bhardwaj said.
In a desperate attempt to turn the tables, the AAP has accused the BJP of hypocrisy. They have now challenged the BJP to open the Prime Minister’s official residence to media scrutiny. The AAP has dubbed the PM’s residence “Raj Mahal,” claiming that it cost 2,700 crores to build, suggesting that there is a double standard regarding public spending and luxury.
The BJP has made an issue of the alleged expenditure spree regarding the CM’s bungalow as part of their election campaign. Virendra Sachdeva, BJP Delhi Chief, has attacked Kejriwal’s tenure on account of the fact that he misused public funds to create a luxurious residence.
The controversy became even worse when BJP leaders discovered that expensive things, including the “golden commode,” had disappeared when Kejriwal vacated the property. The controversy has become an important part of the party’s narrative against AAP ahead of upcoming assembly elections.
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