The Tamil Nadu Assembly witnessed high drama during its ongoing winter session, with All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) MLAs donning black shirts for the third consecutive day. The opposition party is using the attire to protest against the alleged sexual assault case at Anna University, a controversy that has sparked widespread political outrage.
AIADMK legislators have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the ruling DMK government’s handling of the case. Opposition parties accuse the government of moving too slowly in investigating the matter.
Sexual Assault Case That Shook Tamil Nadu
The alleged incident, which took place on the Anna University campus in December, involved the sexual assault of a second-year student. The Chennai Police have arrested one individual in connection with the case following the victim’s complaint.
The harrowing incident unfolded on December 23, when a second-year engineering student and her male friend, a senior at Anna University, were attacked while sitting in a secluded area of the campus after attending a Christmas program. As per the victim’s complaint, the assailant first launched a violent assault on her male companion, leaving him severely injured, before forcibly dragging her into nearby shrubs and subjecting her to sexual assault.
Political Drama In Tamil Nadu Assembly
The session began on a contentious note on Monday, the first day of the winter session, when protests erupted at the Secretariat over the same issue. Adding to the tension, Tamil Nadu Governor R. N. Ravi chose not to deliver his customary address, citing concerns about the National Anthem being omitted during the Assembly proceedings.
According to a statement from Raj Bhavan, only “Tamil Thai Vazhthu,” the state anthem, was sung upon the Governor’s arrival at the Assembly. The Governor claimed this was a violation of constitutional norms, as the National Anthem is traditionally played during such occasions. He alleged that despite his appeals, the Chief Minister and Speaker refused to accommodate the National Anthem, prompting him to leave the House in protest.
“The Constitution of Bharat and the National Anthem were insulted in the Tamil Nadu Assembly today. Respecting the National Anthem is one of the fundamental duties enshrined in our Constitution,” the Governor’s statement read, calling the omission a “matter of grave concern.”
Meanwhile, Congress MP Manickam Tagore criticized the Governor’s actions, calling them “completely ridiculous.” Tagore’s comments reflect the ongoing friction between the Governor and the DMK-led state government.
The Anna University sexual assault incident has prompted opposition parties to question the DMK government’s commitment to ensuring safety on educational campuses and delivering justice.
As the Assembly session continues, the protests and debates are expected to keep the focus firmly on these controversies, intensifying the political standoff in the state.
(With inputs from ANI)
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