Air India, the airline under the ownership of Tata, has introduced a fresh logo that symbolizes limitless possibilities. The CEO of Air India, Campbell Wilson, announced that the iconic Maharaja mascot will continue to be part of the brand, albeit in a new capacity. Speaking during the launch event of Air India’s novel emblem named “The Vista” in Delhi, Wilson revealed that the contemporary design features a blend of golden, red, and purple shades, replacing the former logo which showcased a red swan and orange spokes, influenced by the Ashoka Chakra.
Nevertheless, Wilson emphasized the significance of the Maharaja as a crucial element of AI’s heritage and expressed pride in this legacy. He underlined that the Maharaja, a well-recognized and cherished figure in India and among the Indian diaspora, would be retained particularly in local markets and for the Indian community abroad. However, as Air India extends its presence to international markets beyond the diaspora, the Maharaja’s symbolic significance might not be universally understood to represent service, humility, and Indian hospitality in the same manner.
The goal was to distill the essence of the Maharaja, encompassing warmth, hospitality, and service ethos, into the airline’s ethos and image. This essence would be integrated not only into the company’s behavior but also in ways that honor Air India legacy with sophistication and elevation.
Contrary to retiring, the Maharaja will see a role adjustment. Instead of serving as a mascot, the Maharaja will have a presence limited to the airline’s premium classes and airport lounges.
The new Air India logo, “The Vista,” was discussed by Tasneem Ali, Future Brand India’s Chief Creative Officer. Ali mentioned that the reimagining process involved taking elements from the Air India brand and offering a fresh interpretation. The iconic Air India window, recognizable from the exterior of planes and interior menu cards, inspired the new design.
The primary aim of this rebranding exercise was to present something distinctly and recognizably Indian while showcasing it in a contemporary and globally competitive manner.
The Maharaja mascot, conceived in 1946 by Bobby Kooka, the airline’s commercial director, has played a pivotal role in shaping the airline’s brand identity and personality.
Air India, a part of the Tata Group, has introduced a modernized brand identity and aircraft livery that encapsulates the spirit of a dynamic new India. This transformation represents a milestone in the airline’s Vihaan. AI initiative, shifting the national institution into a national source of inspiration.
The fresh appearance takes the iconic Indian window shape, historically associated with Air India, and transforms it into a golden window frame, which becomes a central element in the new branding system. This signifies a “Window of Possibilities.”
The new Air India logo, named “The Vista,” draws inspiration from the peak of the golden window frame, symbolizing limitless potential, progressiveness, and the airline’s confident and bold vision for the future.
The airline’s redesigned aircraft livery and design incorporate a color palette of deep red, aubergine, and gold accents, along with a chakra-inspired pattern. The design also introduces a distinctive custom-made font called “Air India Sans,” which blends assurance with warmth, positioning Air India as a premium, inclusive, and accessible brand.
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