Telugu superstar Allu Arjun, who has been basking in the glory of his blockbuster Pushpa franchise, spent Friday night in Hyderabad’s Chanchalguda Central Jail. Jail officials confirmed that the actor would spend the night in custody as there was a restriction on the release of prisoners at night. “He will be released tomorrow morning,” said a jail official, citing the late receipt of the bail order and adherence to jail protocols.
Arrest Follows Tragic Stampede Incident
Arjun’s arrest is from a stampede that broke out on December 4 at the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. It resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman and had her eight-year-old son admitted to the hospital. Police have registered cases against Allu Arjun, his security personnel, and the management of the theatre, following a complaint lodged by the family of the victim.
Earlier on Friday, tensions rose as Hyderabad police arrived at Arjun’s house to effect the arrest. The actor was seen arguing with officers and protesting their entry into his private space. “It is definitely not a good thing,” said Arjun, who showed his anguish before being taken to Chikkadpally police station in a government vehicle.
Bail At High Court
Arjun was produced at the Nampally court, which directed 14-day judicial custody. The actor was lodged in the Manjeera block of Chanchalguda Jail, granted Special Class by the court. However, in a significant relief to the National Award-winning actor, Telangana High Court gave him four weeks of interim bail later in the evening. The next hearing is on January 21, 2025.
The stampede tragedy has garnered much attention, with the event facing allegations of mismanagement and overcrowding. Arjun’s lawyers filed a petition with the Telangana High Court to get the FIR registered against him dismissed. The case is still unfolding as the authorities investigate the incident and the role of the actor in the unfortunate incident.