People in Gundlupete, Karnataka, were ecstatic as Union Home Minister Amit Shah held a roadshow in the Chamarajanagar district on Monday. Amit Shah arrived in Karnataka on Sunday for a three-day visit. Earlier in the day, he offered prayers at the Sri Chamundeshwari Devi Temple in Mysuru, Karnataka. Ahead of the Karnataka Assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is in power in the state’s only southern state, appears to be putting all of its efforts into the poll campaign, aiming for a second consecutive term. JP Nadda, the president of the BJP, will begin a three-day visit to Karnataka today. He will take part in a roadshow in the Chikkaballapur district of Sidlaghatta. He will also pay a visit to a temple in Sirsi, Uttara.
Kannada district and will speak at several public gatherings.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the state on April 29 is expected to boost the party’s mega election campaign. According to Union Minister Pralhad Joshi, Prime Minister Modi will begin his campaign in Belgavi. In Belagavi, one of Karnataka’s largest districts, he will visit Chikodi, Kittur, and Kudachi. The Prime Minister will also pay a visit to the Uttara Kannada district. On May 3, the Prime Minister will also pay a visit to the election-bound state.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, according to BJP sources, will address four election rallies on April 26 and 29, as well as May 5 and 7. Smriti Irani, Union Minister, will speak at eight rallies between April 25 and May 6. The 224-member Assembly will vote on May 10, and the results will be announced on May 13.
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