The Ministry of Railways announced the launch of Amrit Bharat Trains Version 2.0, incorporating 12 significant improvements based on one year of operational insights from the earlier version. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw made the announcement on Friday, sharing that 50 of these upgraded trains will be manufactured at the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) over the next two years.
The first version of Amrit Bharat trains was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2024, and Version 2.0 is designed to provide an enhanced travel experience for Indian passengers.
Key Features of Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0
The upgraded trains come with 12 notable improvements, including:
- Semi-automatic couplers for smoother train operations.
- Modular toilets with improved hygiene and space optimization.
- Ergonomic seats and berths for added comfort.
- Emergency talk-back systems to ensure passenger safety.
- Continuous lighting systems, similar to those in Vande Bharat trains, for better visibility.
- Advanced pantry car designs to improve food service efficiency.
Affordable Travel for Low and Middle-Income Families
Minister Vaishnaw emphasized that Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0 focuses on offering affordable, long-distance travel options, particularly for low and middle-income families. General coaches are equipped with modern amenities such as:
- Charging points
- Mobile holders
- Water bottle slots
These additions aim to enhance comfort without increasing ticket costs significantly.
Collaboration on Infrastructure Projects
Addressing infrastructure concerns, Vaishnaw provided updates on the historic Pamban Bridge, stating that it adheres to RDSO (Research Designs and Standards Organisation) standards and includes recommendations from international experts. This “once-in-a-lifetime project” has received clearance from the Commissioner of Railway Safety.
The minister called for greater cooperation between the state and central governments, urging Tamil Nadu to expedite land acquisition for ongoing railway projects. “Public welfare should take precedence over politics,” he stated, emphasizing that joint efforts can significantly improve public infrastructure and services.
With its Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0 initiative, Indian Railways aims to redefine long-distance travel by combining affordability, safety, and enhanced passenger experience. As manufacturing progresses, the upgraded trains are expected to set new benchmarks in the nation’s rail transport system.
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