Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation’s (GCMMF) golden jubilee celebration in Ahmedabad on Thursday. GCMMF is the organization that runs the well-known dairy brand Amul. Amul is one of the most powerful dairy brands in the world thanks to its entrepreneurial spirit. The prime minister unveiled the Golden Jubilee Coffee Table Book and took a tour of the exhibition on display for the occasion. A section of Amul’s creative advertisements featuring the Prime Minister, his party, the BJP, and his flagship projects, including Swach Bharat Abhiyan and Made in India, were displayed among the other items that were placed up in the exhibition area.
The Prime Minister was accompanied by senior Amul officials as he reviewed each of the imaginative advertisements. Later, the Prime Minister addressed the assembly and congratulated everyone on the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation’s (GCMMF) Golden Jubilee celebration. He also mentioned how a small seed that Gujarati farmers had planted fifty years ago had grown into a massive tree with branches all over the world. The Prime Minister emphasized that while a number of brands appeared in India following independence, none were as well-known as Amul.
“Amul has become the symbol of the strength of the Pashupalaks of India”, the Prime Minister said, “Amul means trust, development, public participation, empowerment of farmers and the technological advancements through time.”
Noting that Amul products are exported to more than 50 countries around the world, the Prime Minister highlighted the organization’s achievements and mentioned more than 18,000 milk cooperative committees, a network of 36,000 farmers, processing of more than 3.5 crore litres of milk per day, and online payments to livestock breeders worth more than Rs 200 crores.
He recalled that Kheda Milk Union, led by Sardar Patel, was where Amul first began. GCMMF emerged as a result of Gujarat’s cooperative sector growing. According to him, there has been a nearly 60% increase in milk production and a 40% increase in milk availability per person in the past ten years. He stated that the dairy industry in India is expanding at a rate of 6% annually, while the global average is only 2%.
India is currently the world’s largest producer of milk, so the development of the dairy industry there and the outstanding role dairy cooperatives have played since the start of Operation Flood are essential components of the nation’s growth narrative. Approximately 21% of the world’s milk is produced in India. It is significant to remember that, as a country with a shortage of milk and a greater reliance on imports, India’s dairy industry faced drastically different circumstances during the 1950s and 1960s.