AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Friday alleged that a significant number of voters’ names had been removed from the electoral roll in Delhi ahead of the upcoming assembly elections. At a press conference, Kejriwal claimed, “The BJP has filed an application to delete the names of 11,018 voters in the Shahdara area, but when we cross-checked that application on 500 names, 75 percent of people were still living there, yet their names can be deleted from the electoral roll.”
He also stated that AAP won the Shahdara assembly seat in the 2020 elections with a margin of approximately 5,000 votes, and many voters whose names were allegedly targeted are AAP supporters.
Kejriwal urged the Election Commission of India (ECI) to publish all voter deletion applications on its website by the evening “for the sake of transparency.” Highlighting the potential implications, he said, “If you get 6% of votes cut from one assembly constituency, then what is the point of holding elections?”
He described the situation as a “threat to democracy,” adding, “People’s votes are being cut. It is the fundamental right of the people to cast their vote and choose their government, but BJP and Election Commission are snatching this right of the people.”
Shahdara DM’s Response
In response to Kejriwal’s allegations, the Shahdara district magistrate clarified on social media, stating, “Only 494 Form 7 applications have been received in Shahdara Assembly constituency since 29 October, 2024. Hence, the claim that 11,018 forms were filed by BJP in the last one month is factually incorrect.”
Context of the Allegations
The Assembly polls in Delhi are expected in early 2025. In the 2020 elections, AAP won 62 out of 70 seats, while the BJP secured eight. AAP has claimed that voter deletions disproportionately affect its support base in constituencies like Shahdara.
Kejriwal’s allegations come amid heightened political activity as the state gears up for elections, emphasizing the need for fair and transparent electoral processes.