On Tuesday, January 9, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal launched the party’s election campaign song titled “Fir Layenge Kejriwal.” The song, which lasts for 3 minutes and 29 seconds, emphasizes AAP’s welfare programs and election promises while also targeting its political rivals, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Message of Welfare and Empowerment
The lyrics of the song highlight key initiatives implemented by the AAP government, such as free electricity and free water for the people of Delhi. In addition, the song focuses on AAP’s promises for the upcoming elections, including ₹2,100 per month for women and free healthcare for the elderly. The song also touches on the party’s commitment to fighting corruption and overcoming challenges for the benefit of the common people.
The campaign song takes a direct dig at the BJP and Congress, accusing them of spreading falsehoods about AAP’s achievements. The lyrics describe Kejriwal as a leader who has “worked tirelessly” for the people, despite facing significant obstacles. The song also portrays Kejriwal as a magician, claiming that he has managed to save funds in infrastructure projects, which are then redirected to welfare schemes benefiting the public.
Arvind Kejriwal Celebrates the Election as a Festival
Speaking at the launch of the song at the AAP headquarters, Kejriwal described the upcoming election as a festival for the party and its supporters. He shared that he had received numerous calls from people asking when the song would be released. “This is AAP’s third song. The first song was released in 2015, the second one in 2020, and now this third one,” he said, indicating that the party has successfully used songs to rally support in previous elections.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Video Highlights AAP’s Achievements
The official video for the song features Kejriwal addressing the public after his release from Tihar Jail in September, leading rallies and roadshows across Delhi. The video showcases new infrastructure projects, including new school buildings, modernized buses, hospitals treating patients, and new roads. The song also highlights a swimming pool in schools, a visit by the wife of a former US president to a Delhi government school, and various celebrations by the people of Delhi in support of AAP’s initiatives.
Kejriwal urged AAP volunteers to help spread the word about the song. The song will be featured prominently during AAP’s election rallies, political events, and on social media platforms throughout the upcoming election campaign.
Previous Campaign Songs
This new song follows in the footsteps of AAP’s previous campaign songs. The party first released “Paanch Saal Kejriwal” ahead of the 2015 assembly elections, followed by “Lage Raho Kejriwal” in 2020. These songs had gained significant attention and played a key role in rallying support for the party.
AAP Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj expressed confidence that the song “Fir Layenge Kejriwal” would go viral and become a popular anthem for the party’s supporters. With this latest release, AAP hopes to solidify its position ahead of the upcoming assembly elections and continue its push for welfare-driven governance in Delhi.