The Mahakumbh 2025, one of the largest religious gatherings on Earth, is expected to generate a massive economic boost, with trade projected to surpass Rs 2 lakh crore, according to the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT). Held in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, the event is expected to attract around 400 million people, providing an economic surge that will benefit multiple sectors, including transportation, hospitality, healthcare, and retail.
Praveen Khandelwal, Secretary General of CAIT, shared that large-scale trade activities would be seen during this event. The expected spending per person is estimated at Rs 5,000, which will add up to more than Rs 2 lakh crore, encompassing everything from temporary accommodations to food, religious items, and healthcare services. The Confederation highlighted that this surge in spending will significantly impact the local and state economy, especially with an anticipated Rs 40,000 crore worth of goods and services being supplied from Delhi to Prayagraj and surrounding towns.
Transport sectors, including railways, airways, and roadways, are also expected to earn substantial revenues as they cater to the influx of devotees. Hotels, guesthouses, and other services in Prayagraj are bracing for this influx, as Mahakumbh 2025 will be a landmark event, both spiritually and economically.
To boost the event’s global profile, the Uttar Pradesh government is showcasing Mahakumbh 2025 at international tourism trade fairs. The state will have themed pavilions at FITUR in Madrid (January 24-28, 2025) and ITB Berlin (March 4-6, 2025), further promoting Uttar Pradesh’s cultural heritage and the significance of the Mahakumbh to a global audience.