In the ongoing investigation into the tragic suicide of Bengaluru-based AI engineer Atul Subhash, a video has surfaced allegedly showing the mother and brother of the deceased’s wife, Nikita, fleeing their residence in Uttar Pradesh. The footage has added a new dimension to the case, which has already sparked widespread discussion about harassment and systemic challenges.
The video shows Nikita’s mother, Nisha Singhania, and her brother, Anurag Singhania, leaving their house near Khoya Mandi in the Kotwali area. Nisha is seen wrapped in a shawl, shivering in the cold, while Anurag dons a sweater. After locking the house, the two are seen fleeing on a motorbike through a narrow alley, an act captured on surveillance cameras.
The timing of their departure has raised suspicions, as it coincides with growing scrutiny over allegations that Atul faced harassment at the hands of his wife and her family.
Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old engineer originally from Uttar Pradesh, died by suicide at his Bengaluru residence. In a 24-page suicide note and a 1.5-hour video, he detailed his experiences of alleged harassment by his wife and in-laws, coupled with a protracted legal battle involving nine cases filed against him.
Atul expressed frustration with the judicial and law enforcement systems, stating, “The courts, police, and the entire system run on taxpayers’ money of people like me. Yet, they harass me, my family, and others like me.”
Atul’s video and note have sparked a broader debate about the misuse of legal provisions and the challenges faced by individuals embroiled in false cases. His family has demanded a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to his death and accountability for those involved in his alleged harassment.
The emergence of this video adds urgency to the investigation, with authorities now probing the actions of the accused family members. As the case unfolds, it continues to shed light on the emotional and psychological toll of unresolved disputes and systemic inefficiencies.
Also Read: Atul Subhash Listed A Checklist Ahead Taking Away His Own Life, Check Details Here
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