Bangalore’s weather today, December 3, 2024, reveals a mild temperature of 21.9°C, with a minimum of 19.63°C and a maximum of 24.77°C. The city is experiencing a high relative humidity of 86%, with wind speeds reaching 86 km/h. The sun rose at 06:27 AM and will set at 05:51 PM, offering a few hours of sunlight. Rain is expected, so residents should plan their day accordingly.
Looking ahead to tomorrow, December 4, 2024, Bangalore will have a little cooler temperature range between 19.12 degrees Celsius and 24.9 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels are expected to come down to 73%, with light rain likely to continue. However, the expected part of the city will remain under a fairly good air quality condition during the rainy period, with an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 40.0, sufficient to make a healthy outdoor activity.
As the weather fluctuates between mild temperatures, humidity, and rain, it’s important to be aware of the forecast to make the most of your day. Whether you’re heading outdoors or staying inside, it’s advisable to be prepared for occasional rainfall. Don’t forget to carry your umbrella and check the air quality for a comfortable day ahead.
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