Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Shirsat announced on Friday that the suspense surrounding the Maharashtra Chief Minister’s post will soon come to an end, as caretaker CM Eknath Shinde is expected to make a significant decision within the next 24 hours. Shirsat noted that Shinde often visits his native village when contemplating major decisions.
The Shiv Sena leader also expressed confidence that the Chief Minister’s name would be announced by midnight, with the oath-taking ceremony scheduled for December 2. He further emphasized that Shinde has no intentions of taking up a role in the Union Cabinet, as his focus remains firmly on Maharashtra politics.
Shirsat disclosed that key leaders from Maharashtra held discussions at Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s residence on Thursday. He stated that the final decision regarding the next Maharashtra CM would be made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. According to Shirsat, “The name of the Maharashtra CM should be declared by today midnight. I have information that the oath-taking ceremony will be on December 2. Eknath Shinde will not go to Delhi as his interest lies in Maharashtra politics.”
Highlighting Shinde’s movements, Shirsat suggested that the caretaker CM’s visit to his native village in Satara is a precursor to an important decision. “Whenever Eknath Shinde feels the need to reflect, he goes to his native village. By Saturday evening, Shinde will take a very big decision,” Shirsat remarked.
Amid the ongoing deliberations over government formation, Shinde left for Satara on Friday after returning from Delhi earlier that morning. Describing the Delhi meeting as “good and positive,” his abrupt departure led to the cancellation of a scheduled Mahayuti meeting, adding to the anticipation surrounding the state’s leadership decision.
With inputs from agencies
Read More: In the Midst of govt-formation Talks, Eknath Shinde Leaves For A Break In Satara
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