In a shocking case, it has been found that a 20-year-old Bengaluru woman was blackmailed through an elaborate racket by her boyfriend. Mohan Kumar, the accused, made away with ₹ 2.5 crore, besides ornaments, luxury watches, and even a high-end car through intimate videos made during his time with her. Acting on a complaint filed by the victim, the police arrested Kumar and began recovering assets.
The victim met Kumar during boarding school when they became great friends. They lost contact for some years, but later met again and got married. The woman trusted Kumar a lot and believed all his promises of marriage. They went on many trips together, where Kumar recorded intimate videos of her, promising that he would never share them with anyone.
However, his motive soon proved to be real. Kumar manipulated the videos such that his face was not visible, and he used the videos to blackmail her. He threatened to publish the videos online and even made her withdraw ₹ 1.25 crore from her grandmother’s account. She feared and shamed by her family conditions, she quietly transferred money to multiple accounts that were specified by Kumar.
Kumar further continued his exploitation over several months. The victim handed over further ₹ 1.32 crore in cash on different occasions. Kumar demanded expensive gifts on different occasions, including expensive watches, jewelry, and even high-end cars. He made the woman transfer money into his father’s bank account more than once, which further deepened the strain on her family’s wallet.
The relentless blackmail ultimately pushed the victim to take a stand. Gathering the confidence to bring the situation to their notice, she approached the police and filed a comprehensive complaint against Kumar. “This was a well-planned crime. The accused extorted ₹ 2.57 crore, of which ₹ 80 lakh has already been recovered,” said Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayanand.
The authorities promptly arrested Kumar and started investigating the depth of his involvement. Efforts are being made to retrieve the remaining assets and to check if any accomplices were involved.
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