A harrowing case of blackmail and emotional distress has emerged in Bengaluru, where an 18-year-old girl attempted suicide after her boyfriend allegedly coerced her into sleeping with his friends and threatened to release intimate photos of the two. The incident took place on December 1, when the girl jumped from the terrace of a two-storey building in a desperate bid to escape her torment.
The reports confirm that this girl was a student at a private college in South Bengaluru and was away from her mother for the past three months due to differences in the family. She rented a house around Magadi Road and met the accused, a 20-year-old man living in Andrahalli, through a common friend about a month back. Soon, the two were said to have become involved with each other romantically and he is said to have promised her marriage. Thereafter, they used to spend time together in private and he would take some intimate snaps of them during their time together.
But things soon got dark. The man allegedly started insisting on having the girl make out with his friends. When she refused, he allegedly started threatening her, saying he would ruin her reputation by posting their private photos. Unable to bear the turmoil, with emotional and psychological torture, the girl tried to get away from the guy.
The matter worsened further when the man was reported to have taken charge of her phone and used a cash transfer app to siphon money from her account into his. When she asked for her phone and the money back, he threatened her again with uploading their compromising photos and forcing her to do as he willed.
It was in an emotionally charged state that the girl climbed onto a two-storied building and jumped down. Miraculously, she survived, but she suffered a fracture and is now undergoing treatment for her injuries.
On the other hand, the accused was arrested by the police from Byadarahalli, and a case has been lodged against him under the IPC for criminal intimidation and sexual harassment. He was released on bail, and investigations are in progress. However, he has denied all the allegations against him, as he has never blackmailed the girl or taken any money from her account. “I used to help her rent the house, and used to provide her with food,” he said. The girl told me her parents are separated and that she is now staying alone after a fallout with her mother.”
The twist in the case is that the girl apparently has many other relationships with different men and has even abused the accused, resulting in their strained relationship. Police have confirmed that the accused took the girl to the hospital after her suicide attempt.
This case highlights the ongoing issue of emotional manipulation and abuse in relationships, where vulnerable individuals are coerced into distressing situations. The investigation continues as authorities work to uncover the truth and ensure justice for the young girl.
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