In the bustling town of Shivganj in Aurangabad, a father’s sacrifices and a son’s unyielding determination have led to an inspiring success story. Adarsh Kumar, the son of Vijay Saav, who has been running an egg shop for over two decades, has cleared the BPSC PCS-J exam, achieving his dream of becoming a judge. His story is one of grit, resilience, and the unwavering support of his family.
Adarsh’s father, Vijay, worked tirelessly to support his family, selling eggs for a living, while his mother, Sunaina Devi, took a loan to fund his education. His siblings also made significant sacrifices, with his younger brother paying for Adarsh’s tuition fees by giving private lessons. Despite the financial struggles, Adarsh remained focused on his studies. He chose a unique path, relying on YouTube tutorials and online resources to study for the exam, as he couldn’t afford expensive coaching institutes.
After completing his matriculation and intermediate education from Bokaro, Jharkhand, Adarsh pursued his BA LLB from Chanakya Law College, Patna. His dream of becoming a judge materialized in 2023 when he decided to take the BPSC PCS-J exam. With immense dedication, Adarsh studied for up to 20 hours a day, using the power of social media as an educational tool.
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Adarsh’s success is even more remarkable because he achieved it on his first attempt. His story sheds light on the power of self-motivation, family support, and the role of online learning in shaping futures. When asked about his use of social media, Adarsh shared, “There’s a lot of content on social media, but it depends on what you choose to watch. For me, it was about focusing on what would help me reach my goals.”
On November 29, the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) announced the results of the 32nd Judicial Service exam, where 153 candidates, including Adarsh Kumar, cleared the prestigious exam. The successful candidates include individuals from various categories, with 75 women among them.
Adarsh Kumar’s journey, from his humble beginnings to becoming a judge, serves as a testament to the power of hard work, sacrifice, and the transformative potential of online education.
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