The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched a fresh attack on Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, accusing her family of supporting Afzal Guru, the convict in the Parliament attack case. The accusations come amid heightened tensions between the BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) over personal remarks and allegations exchanged during the Delhi Assembly election campaign.
Senior BJP leader Baijayant Jay Panda accused Atishi’s family of being staunch supporters of Afzal Guru, stating, “She has still not distanced herself from this.” The BJP has demanded that Atishi either condemn her family’s alleged stance or justify their actions.
Praveen Shankar Kapoor, head of Delhi BJP’s media department, echoed similar sentiments, saying that Delhiites expect Atishi to clarify her family’s position.
The accusations follow BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri’s controversial remarks targeting Atishi and Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi. Bidhuri compared roads in Kalkaji to “Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks” and questioned Atishi’s decision to change her surname from “Marlena” to “Singh,” even making insinuations about her family.
While Bidhuri expressed regret over his remarks about Priyanka Gandhi, the Congress accused the BJP of harboring anti-women sentiments. AAP, too, criticized Bidhuri for his personal remarks against Atishi.
In response, Atishi accused the BJP-led central government of canceling the allotment of her official residence. Labeling the move as an attempt to undermine her position, she said, “The BJP-led Centre has snatched away the chief minister’s official house.”
The BJP dismissed the allegations, with IT department head Amit Malviya calling Atishi’s claims “lies.” Malviya stated that the residence, colloquially referred to as ‘Sheesh Mahal,’ was withdrawn due to her failure to take possession and ongoing investigations by the CBI and ED.
The BJP has used the term ‘Sheesh Mahal’ to criticize the AAP over alleged lavish expenditures on the renovation of Arvind Kejriwal’s official residence. The controversy has been a recurring point of contention, with the BJP accusing AAP of misusing public funds.
The BJP’s Delhi media department head, Kapoor, called for restraint in political discourse, stating that leaders should avoid making “personal, gender-related, or family-related comments.”
However, the BJP also highlighted alleged double standards within AAP, pointing out what they claim is a pattern of disrespect toward women within the party.
The latest exchange of accusations reflects the growing animosity between the BJP and AAP as the Delhi Assembly elections draw closer. With personal remarks and politically charged allegations taking center stage, the campaign is shaping up to be one of the most contentious in recent memory.
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