In a spine-chilling case of superstition and black magic, police in Ghaziabad, near Delhi, arrested four individuals for the brutal murder of a 29-year-old man. The crime, involving the severing of the victim’s head for alleged occult rituals, has shocked the community.
The investigation began on June 22, when a decapitated body was found on the Loha-Bhopra road. Subsequently, a severed head was discovered in a drain near Delhi’s Majlis Park Metro Station, leading authorities to the accused. The suspects, identified as Vikas Parmatma (24), Narendra alias ND (32), Pawan Kumar (40), and Pankaj Kumar (33), are believed to have killed the victim as part of a ritual aimed at gaining wealth through black magic.
The Gruesome Act
The victim, Raju Kumar Sah, originally from Bihar, worked at a small eatery in Delhi. According to the police, the suspects lured Raju with promises of alcohol and drugs, befriending him over several days. On the night of June 21, they took him to a room in Tahirpur, Delhi, where he was strangled and his head was severed. His body was later dumped in Ghaziabad, while the head was initially kept for rituals.
Motive and Planning
Deputy Commissioner of Police Nimish Patil stated that the accused believed possessing a human skull would grant them immense wealth through tantric practices. Pawan Kumar, one of the accused, reportedly suggested the idea of using a skull for occult rituals, prompting the group to carry out the murder.
Fearing discovery after two accomplices were arrested in August, the remaining suspects disposed of the severed head by tying it to a stone and throwing it into a drain. Following the arrest of all four suspects on Saturday, the skull was recovered.
Police have registered a case under charges of murder and destruction of evidence at Teela Modh Police Station. Authorities continue to investigate, aiming to uncover further details about the involvement of the accused and their practices.
This case highlights the dark consequences of superstition and has raised concerns about the persistence of such beliefs in modern society.
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