The Delhi High Court on Monday criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led Delhi government for delaying the tabling of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) reports in the Delhi Legislative Assembly.
A bench headed by Justice Sachin Dutta questioned the government’s intent, noting that the delay in forwarding the reports raised concerns about their credibility. The court remarked that the reports should have been promptly submitted to the Speaker and discussed in the Assembly.
“The timeline is clear; you’ve delayed to prevent the session from happening,” the bench said.
In response, the Delhi government argued that with elections approaching, convening a special session would be difficult. Despite this, the court underscored the importance of timely accountability.
What is the Case?
The case stems from a petition filed by seven BJP leaders in the Delhi High Court, demanding a special Assembly session to present 14 CAG reports on city administration. Advocate Vijender Gupta, representing the petitioners, argued that it was their right to discuss these reports before the Assembly’s term ends in February.
Meanwhile, the Delhi government dismissed the petition as politically motivated and announced plans to file a counter-affidavit.