On Friday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) wrapped up a search at the home of suspended Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Sheikh Shahjahan in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district. This search was part of the Sandeshkhali case, where four officials from the Directorate of Enforcement were attacked while conducting a raid at Sheikh Shahjahan’s residence in Sandeshkhali village.
Earlier that day, the central agency had commenced a search at the residence of the suspended TMC leader. This action followed the directive of the Calcutta High Court, which had instructed the Crime Investigation Department to hand over Sheikh Shahjahan’s custody to the CBI on Wednesday.
Upon receiving custody from the CID, the CBI took Sheikh Shahjahan to Joka ESI Hospital for a medical examination. The Calcutta High Court, issuing a contempt notice to the West Bengal CID, remarked on Wednesday that the investigation into the attack on ED officials should be transferred to the CBI. Additionally, the court ordered that the custody of accused Sheikh Shahjahan should be handed over to the agency promptly.
Furthermore, the Calcutta High Court criticized the state police’s handling of the matter, accusing them of playing a game of hide and seek. In Sandeshkhali, situated in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district, protests had erupted against Sheikh Shahjahan this month.
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