Chennai experienced heavy rainfall on Friday, leading to widespread waterlogging across 134 locations in the city. The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) has deployed 1,686 motor pumps to drain stagnant water from affected areas.
Major thoroughfares, including Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR), Five Furlong Road, Mylapore, and Santhome, were inundated. While GCC teams successfully cleared water from eight areas, operations are still underway in 126 other locations to restore normalcy.
Subways Closed Due to Inundation
The heavy downpour forced the closure of seven subways, causing disruptions to traffic. The affected subways include:
- Manickam Nagar (Manali)
- Stanley Nagar
- Gengu Reddy
- Villivakkam
- Rangarajapuram
- Pazhavanthangal
- Aranganathan
Deployment of High-Capacity Pumps
To tackle the situation effectively, GCC has deployed 137 high-capacity pumps, each with 100HP, and 484 tractor-mounted pumps for quick water removal. Teams are working tirelessly to ensure flooded areas are cleared as soon as possible.
Additionally, nine trees were uprooted due to the rains, of which five have already been removed by city authorities.
Relief Measures in Place
In response to the crisis, the GCC has set up 329 relief centres across the city. These centres are providing essential services, including food, water, and shelter, to residents affected by the flooding.
A massive workforce of 22,000 personnel and 18,500 volunteers has been placed on standby for emergency rescue and relief operations, ensuring prompt assistance to those in need.
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