Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has assured the public that the state government and security forces are intensifying efforts against Naxals, following a recent IED blast near Putkel village in Bijapur that injured two jawans.
Speaking at the inauguration of the Auto Expo and National Road Safety and Honors Programme, Sai condemned the attack as an act of “cowardice” and reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring the Naxals’ elimination.
“This is an act of cowardice by the Naxals. The government and the security forces are fighting hard against it and their elimination is certain,” said CM Vishnu Deo Sai, emphasizing that the security forces are fully committed to combating the insurgency in the region.
The explosion occurred on Thursday morning near the Basaguda police station, injuring two jawans who were reportedly caught in the blast caused by a pressure IED planted by Naxalites. Bijapur police confirmed the injured jawans were evacuated and are in stable condition.
In a related update, Assembly Speaker Raman Singh highlighted the significant progress the state has made in recent years. Speaking at the same event, Singh noted the state’s impressive 18% growth, citing the success of the Mukhya Mantri Khadyan Suraksha Yojna.
The IED attack follows an earlier encounter on January 12. Five Naxals, including two women, were killed in Bijapur. In the aftermath of the gunfight, security forces recovered a range of weapons and explosives from the forests of the National Park area, including rifles, a launcher, and Maoist materials. Authorities continue to intensify their operations in the region to secure the safety of the public and eliminate Naxal activities.
(With ANI Inputs)
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