The murder of 28-year-old journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, known for his investigative reports on corruption, has shocked Chhattisgarh. The key accused, his own cousin Ritesh Chandrakar, was arrested along with two other suspects. The tragic discovery of Mukesh’s body in a septic tank follows his exposure of alleged corruption in a Rs 120-crore road project, linked to contractor Suresh Chandrakar.
Murder Details and Arrests
Mukesh Chandrakar, a journalist from Bastar, had recently uncovered irregularities in the road construction project, which escalated from an initial Rs 50 crore to Rs 120 crore without any significant changes. The project was overseen by contractor Suresh Chandrakar, a key figure in the investigation.
Ritesh, Suresh’s brother, allegedly arranged a meeting between the contractor and Mukesh on the night of January 1. Following the meeting, Mukesh went missing, and his body was discovered two days later in a septic tank on Suresh’s property in Chattanpara. Police arrested Ritesh and two others, Dinesh Chandrakar and another family member. Suresh, however, remains at large.
Tensions Over Corruption Report
Despite a history of camaraderie between Mukesh and Ritesh, their relationship reportedly soured due to Mukesh’s report on the road project. Although no direct threats were made to Mukesh, tensions had reportedly escalated after the investigation.
Public Outrage and Investigation
Mukesh’s brutal murder has drawn widespread condemnation. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra called for immediate and strict action against the culprits. Meanwhile, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed to probe the case, with police seizing three bank accounts linked to contractor Suresh Chandrakar.
A History of Investigative Journalism
Mukesh Chandrakar, a fearless reporter, began his journalism career in 2012 and later founded his YouTube channel, Bastar Junction, which gained over 1.5 lakh subscribers. His reporting, particularly on local corruption, made him a prominent and outspoken figure in Bastar.
Journalists in the region often face threats and intimidation, especially those investigating corruption, with Mukesh’s murder highlighting the risks they face.
The state government has pledged to carry out a thorough investigation. Meanwhile, protests have erupted in Raipur, with journalists demanding justice for Mukesh Chandrakar.