Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday announced the formation of three new districts in the state. The formation of Malpura, Sujangarh and Kuchaman City will take the number of districts in the state to 53 now. Rajasthan CM said that the decision has been taken “in consonance with a high-level panel”.
“According to public demand and recommendation of a high-level committee, three new districts will be created in Rajasthan- 1. Malpura 2. Sujangarh 3. Kuchaman City Now Rajasthan will have 53 districts,” Gehlot said.
Gehlot further said that the government would keep addressing delimitation issues “as per the panel’s recommendation in the future too.”
Earlier in August, the Rajasthan cabinet on August 4 had approved the proposal of a high-level committee to form 19 new districts and three new divisions in the state.
Gehlot’s decision to announce the news districts comes months before Assembly elections are due in the state.
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