Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin announced on Saturday, November 30, 2024, that the state is managing the impact of Cyclone Fengal effectively. Addressing the media after a review meeting at the State Emergency Operations Centre in the Ezhilagam Complex, Chennai, Mr. Stalin assured the public that relief measures were in full swing, and the situation in Chennai and other affected districts remained under control.
Heavy Rains Lash Tamil Nadu
Cyclone Fengal has brought incessant heavy rains to Chennai and neighboring districts since Friday night, November 29. The storm is expected to make landfall on Saturday evening, prompting widespread preparedness efforts.
“There has been heavy rain since yesterday night, and it is continuing. The information is that the cyclone will make landfall by this evening, and there will be heavy rains. We have instructed for relief measures to be undertaken in full swing,” said Mr. Stalin.
The Chief Minister reviewed ongoing relief and disaster management efforts with senior officials, including the Chennai Corporation Commissioner and District Collectors from Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur, Ranipet, and Chengalpattu. He emphasized the need for immediate and coordinated action.
“People have been stationed in camps, and food has been provided,” Mr. Stalin stated, adding that the state government’s proactive measures have minimized disruptions.
No Major Waterlogging in Chennai
A significant concern during such weather events is urban flooding, particularly in Chennai, which has a history of waterlogging during heavy rains. However, Mr. Stalin confirmed that preventive measures had been effective.
“Due to the relief measures we have undertaken, information is that there is no waterlogging in Chennai, and if there are any reports, we will address them immediately,” he assured.
To ensure swift responses across Tamil Nadu, Ministers have been deputed to oversee relief operations in various districts. The Chief Minister noted that, so far, no adverse reports have been received from any district, and the situation remains under control.
Cyclone Preparedness Highlights
- Camps have been set up in vulnerable areas to house affected residents.
- Food and basic amenities are being provided to those in shelters.
- Ministers and district officials are on the ground, monitoring and coordinating relief activities.
- Flood-prone areas in Chennai have been closely monitored to prevent significant waterlogging.
Despite assurances of preparedness, Mr. Stalin urged the public to remain cautious as Cyclone Fengal advances. With landfall expected to bring heavy rains, the government remains committed to addressing any challenges swiftly.