At least three people lost their lives in Chennai as Cyclone Fengal struck Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on Saturday night, causing widespread flooding and heavy rain. The cyclone, which made landfall with winds up to 90 kmph, led to significant disruption, including electrocution incidents, paralyzed infrastructure, and submerged streets.
Rising Toll and Tragic Incidents
Among the fatalities was a migrant worker who tragically died by electrocution while attempting to use an ATM in Chennai. His body was discovered floating near the area.
With the storm gradually weakening into a deep depression, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts relief in the coming hours. However, the aftermath of the cyclone continues to disrupt normal life.
Puducherry Flooded: Army Steps In
The Union Territory of Puducherry recorded a staggering 44 cm of rainfall, the highest in three decades. Flooding in several areas prompted a formal request from the District Collector, leading to rescue operations by the Indian Army and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). Soldiers and volunteers braved submerged streets to evacuate stranded residents.
Airport Operations Resumed After Chaos
Cyclone Fengal also caused significant disruptions at Chennai International Airport, grounding flights and leaving passengers stranded for hours. Flight operations resumed early Sunday morning at 4:00 am after being suspended for nearly a day.
Passengers expressed frustration over long delays. One passenger shared, “We’ve been waiting here for 12 hours without clear communication on flight schedules.” Chaos was evident as stranded commuters sought updates amid the downpour.
Severe Flooding Hits Hospitals and Traffic
In Chennai, heavy rainwater inundated major hospitals, including a general hospital and a thoracic facility in Chromepet. Emergency restoration work is underway to resume normal operations at these critical healthcare centers.
Flooded streets and washed-away traffic barricades added to the chaos, with commuters struggling to find safe routes. Civic volunteers and municipal workers are working tirelessly to restore normalcy on a “war footing.”Cyclone Fengal has left a trail of destruction across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, testing the resilience of communities and emergency response systems. With restoration efforts in full swing, the region hopes to recover quickly from the severe impact of the cyclone.