As Delhi gears up for its upcoming Assembly elections, the Chief Electoral Officer has launched a Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls, with January 1, 2025, as the qualifying date. The initiative, in line with the Election Commission of India’s (ECI) directives, aims to ensure accurate and inclusive voter lists, allowing eligible citizens to vote even without a voter ID card.
In a recent statement, officials emphasized that possessing a voter ID card is not mandatory for voting. The crucial requirement is being listed on the ECI’s electoral roll, which determines voter eligibility.
Eligibility Criteria for Voting Without a Voter ID
Indian citizens aged 18 and above as of January 1, 2025, can vote if their names are included in the electoral roll. Voters can confirm their registration status via the ECI’s online portal or helpline.
Alternative Identification Documents Approved by the ECI
To make voting more accessible, the ECI has sanctioned 12 alternative identification documents, including:
- Aadhaar card
- PAN card
- Driving license
- MNREGA job card
- Indian passport
- Pension documents with photo
- Health insurance smart cards issued by the Ministry of Labour
- Passbook with photo issued by banks/post offices
- Service identity cards from government/PSUs
- Smart Cards under the National Population Register (NPR)
- Unique Disability IDs from the Ministry of Social Justice
- Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
These documents provide valid proof of identity, ensuring voters can participate even if they lack their Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC).
Steps to Vote Without a Voter ID Card
- Verify Your Registration: Confirm your name on the electoral roll via the ECI website or helpline.
- Prepare Alternative ID: Gather one of the approved documents to establish your identity.
- Visit Your Polling Booth: Head to your designated polling station on election day.
- Present Identification: Show your alternative ID and any voting slip you’ve received.
- Cast Your Vote: Once verified, proceed to cast your ballot.
This voter-friendly initiative aims to enhance turnout by removing barriers for individuals who may have misplaced or never received their voter ID cards. It reflects the Election Commission’s commitment to strengthening democracy through inclusivity and accessibility.
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