As Delhi gears up for the upcoming assembly elections, tensions are rising within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the ticket distribution process. BJP MLA from Karawal Nagar, Bijender Singh Bisht, who won the 2020 elections against AAP’s Durgesh Pathak, has voiced strong opposition to the party’s decision to field Kapil Mishra from the constituency for the upcoming polls. Bisht called it a “big mistake,” warning that the BJP’s strategy of fielding candidates without considering the local dynamics could backfire. He emphasized that the real test would come on February 5, when voters would reflect on the party’s choices.
Bisht, in a fiery statement to ANI, further criticized the BJP for rewarding flattery over hard work. He lamented that those who dedicated themselves to grassroots work were often sidelined, while others who gained favor through flattery were rewarded. Bisht announced that he would file his nomination from Karawal Nagar and not contest any other seat, reaffirming his commitment to the constituency.
Meanwhile, a protest outside the Delhi BJP office in Tughlakabad added fuel to the fire. A group of party workers, including many young protesters, demanded a change in the candidate for their constituency. They chanted slogans against Vikram Bidhuri, who was fielded by the party despite his loss in 2020. Vikram Bidhuri is a relative of senior BJP leader Ramesh Bidhuri, but his previous defeat raised concerns among local workers.
The unfolding drama over ticket distribution highlights the underlying dissatisfaction within the BJP as the party approaches the February elections. Whether these internal conflicts affect the party’s prospects remains to be seen.
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