Delhi: In a disturbing incident in Delhi, two sisters were fatally shot in the RK Puram area during the early hours of Sunday. The shooting occurred in Ambedkar Basti of RK Puram. According to an eyewitness interviewed by a news channel, the altercation was related to a financial dispute, and the conflict escalated when the two sisters, Pinky and Jyoti, jumped to rescue their brother following an argument over a loan.
A case has been registered under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and further investigation is ongoing, stated Manoj C, DCP South West, Delhi. The Delhi police nabbed two accused persons identified as Kishan, 27, and Ganesh Swamy, 39. So far, a total of five individuals have been arrested in relation to the case, according to the police.
Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal paid condolences to the victims of the family and also alleged that those responsible for maintaining law and order in Delhi were “conspiring to capture the entire Delhi government.” He wrote in Hindi, “Our thoughts are with the families of both women. May their soul rest in peace. The people of Delhi have started feeling very insecure. The people who have to handle the law and order of Delhi, instead of fixing the law and order, they are conspiring to capture the entire Delhi government. Today, if Delhi’s law and order was under AAP government instead of LG, then Delhi would have been safest.”
The deceased women, meanwhile, were rushed to the hospital where they succumbed to their injuries, informed the police.
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