Rajan Singh, a 27-year-old transgender activist, has filed their nomination as the Aam Janata Party candidate for the Kalkaji constituency in the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Singh, hailing from Sangam Vihar, called their candidacy “a beautiful picture of democracy,” as they submitted the nomination alongside a group of transgender friends and supporters. Singh is challenging the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Atishi, who is also a prominent figure in the Delhi government.
Speaking outside the DM office, Singh took aim at the AAP government, accusing it of neglecting the transgender community. “In the last 10-15 years, the AAP government has done nothing for us. I’m standing against Delhi’s most powerful woman, the so-called ‘rubber-stamp’ chief minister,” Singh said. Highlighting the lack of resources for the transgender community, Singh added, “There are no schools, hospitals, or toilets for us. The government announces schemes for men and women but has failed to cater to our needs.”
Kalkaji, which has 1,94,515 voters, will be a key battleground in this election. Singh’s candidacy adds a new dimension to the contest, which also includes Atishi from AAP, Ramesh Singh Bidhuri from BJP, and Alka Lamba from Congress. The transgender community, which comprises a small but significant part of the electorate, is expected to play an influential role in the election results.
Singh’s affidavit to the Election Commission reveals assets worth ₹92.35 lakh, including gold valued at ₹92 lakh. This marks their second foray into politics after an unsuccessful bid in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Singh, the chairman of the National Transgender Welfare Council, is determined to raise the issues that matter most to marginalized communities. Delhi voters head to the polls on February 5, with results expected on February 8.
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