Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the much-anticipated Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor on Sunday January 5. This marks a milestone in India’s urban mobility. The 13-kilometre Delhi section, stretching between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar, promises to cut travel time significantly. Commuters can now cover the distance from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South in under 40 minutes a third of the usual travel time.
A New Era of Connectivity
This is Delhi’s first Namo Bharat connectivity, with passenger services starting at 5 pm today. Trains will run every 15 minutes, ensuring quick and seamless travel for commuters.
The corridor spans 55 kilometres, connecting 11 stations: New Ashok Nagar, Anand Vihar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Guldhar, Duhai, Duhai Depot, Muradnagar, Modi Nagar South, Modi Nagar North, and Meerut South. Originally limited to nine stations along a 42-kilometre stretch, the addition of New Ashok Nagar and Anand Vihar extends the route to 55 kilometres.
Ticket Prices and Booking Options
The fare from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South is ₹150 for standard coaches and ₹225 for premium coaches. The minimum fare is ₹20 for standard coaches and ₹30 for premium ones.
Passengers can purchase digital QR code-based tickets through the ‘RapidX Connect’ mobile app or use the National Common Mobility Card (NCMC). Tickets are also available at counters and through Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) at all stations. TVMs accept payments via cards or cash, while paper tickets can be directly purchased from station counters.
Know the Passenger-Centric Facilities
Namo Bharat project prioritizes passenger comfort and convenience:
- Free drinking water and washrooms are available at stations.
- Trains feature a dedicated women’s coach, reserved seating for women, senior citizens, and differently-abled passengers.
- Specific spaces for wheelchairs and stretchers ensure inclusivity.
- A train attendant is on board every train to assist passengers.
- Emergency panic buttons are installed inside coaches and on platform screen doors for safety.
Future Expansion Plans
Two more stations in Delhi—Sarai Kale Khan and Jangpura—are slated to open by mid-2025. On the other end, the corridor will extend from Meerut South to Modipuram Depot, covering Shatabdi Nagar, Begumpul, and Modipuram.
Notably, the newly inaugurated Delhi section includes a 6-kilometre underground stretch with Anand Vihar as a prominent station. For better accessibility, three bridges have been built over the Ghazipur drain—two for vehicles and one for pedestrians.
Environmental Impact
When fully operational, the 82-kilometre corridor, spanning from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi to Modipuram in Meerut, will feature 16 Namo Bharat stations and nine additional stations for Meerut Metro. This transformative transit system is expected to take over one lakh private vehicles off the roads, reducing carbon emissions by 2.5 lakh tonnes annually.
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