In a terrifying incident in Delhi’s Vishwas Nagar, a man was shot multiple times while out for his morning walk. The victim, identified as 52-year-old businessman Sunil Jain, was struck by at least two bullets after two assailants on a motorcycle fired a barrage of seven shots at him. The incident took place near the Farsh Bazar Police Station, a busy area of Shahdara, as Jain was returning home on his scooter from a morning workout at the Yamuna Sports Complex.
The police quickly responded to the scene after a PCR call, and a Crime Team was dispatched to investigate. Jain, who sustained gunshot wounds, was immediately rushed to the hospital and is reportedly in stable condition. Authorities are yet to determine the motive behind the shooting, and further investigation is underway.
This shocking crime has sparked outrage across the city, with Delhi’s former Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal strongly criticizing the rising crime rates under the current administration. Kejriwal, pointing fingers at Union Home Minister Amit Shah, accused the BJP-led government of creating a “jungle raj” in Delhi, saying that residents now live in constant fear.
Kejriwal, who has frequently voiced concerns about law and order in the capital, used the incident to emphasize the need for change ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. The issue of rising crime is expected to be a significant point in the AAP’s electoral campaign, with Kejriwal demanding better law enforcement and accountability from the central government.
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