Police have recovered the knife that Sahil allegedly used to kill a minor girl in Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy area, police said on Thursday. The 20-year-old accused custody was extended for three more days by the court on Thursday. The knife was recovered at the instance of Sahil, from a vacant plot near the Rithala Metro station, as per Dependra Pathak, a special commissioner of police.
“Earlier, we had searched several spots on the Shabad Dairy-Rithala Metro station stretch – where the accused claimed to have thrown the knife, but we could not find it. During his police custody, Sahil gave contradictory statements about the incident and the weapon used in the commission of crime, to mislead investigation. But after the court extended his remand for three days on Thursday, he broke down during the sustained interrogation. He took us to the spot from where the knife (over 6 inches long) was recovered,” Hindustan Times quoted Pathak as saying.
Besides Sahi, three friends of the 16-year-old victim, Bhawna, Ajay and Neetu were also questioned and their versions corroborated.
Sakshi, 16, was stabbed over 20 times and bludgeoned to death by Sahil, 20, on May 28. The accused was arrested from Bulandshahar in Uttar Pradesh the next day.
According to Sahil’s statement to the police, he was angry after Sakshi rebuffed him in front of her friends.
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