The Delhi Police’s official account on X (formerly Twitter) was briefly compromised on Tuesday, in a cybersecurity breach. Hackers changed the account’s name to “MagIc Edem” and modified its profile and cover photos. The account was recovered after some time, but the incident has raised serious concerns about the vulnerability of government social media platforms.
Authorities have initiated an investigation to trace the culprits behind the hack, but no further details have been disclosed yet.
This breach follows a similar incident involving Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s personal email account. On the night of November 19, Sawant’s Gmail account, which is linked to his YouTube and other social media platforms, was hacked. While officials reported no major damage, the Goa Police Cybercrime Cell swiftly restored the account within a few hours. Investigations into this case are still ongoing.
In an unrelated case, Delhi Police recently apprehended a cybercriminal linked to a financial fraud scheme. On September 27, a complaint was filed by Gule Raj, a 25-year-old accountant from Bawana, alleging he was defrauded of ₹1.42 lakh after being lured with promises of high returns on stock investments via social media.
The investigation led the Delhi Police’s cybercrime unit to Surat, Gujarat, where they arrested Alish Nazmuddin Hirani, a 21-year-old with direct connections to Chinese handlers. Authorities are continuing their probe into the racket to uncover its broader operations.
These incidents highlight the increasing threats to digital platforms, even those operated by government officials and institutions. Experts emphasize the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive accounts and prevent such breaches in the future.
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