Delhi’s air quality saw significant improvement on Sunday following light rainfall, prompting the Centre’s air quality panel to revoke Stage-III restrictions under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP). The rainfall, caused by a Western Disturbance originating in the Mediterranean region, created favorable meteorological conditions that reduced pollution levels across the national capital.
At 4 PM on Sunday, Delhi’s air quality index (AQI) was recorded at 278, which is 72 points below the 350-mark that necessitates the enforcement of Stage-III curbs. These curbs had included bans on non-essential construction work and hybrid learning modes for schools. With the improved air quality, school administrations operating in hybrid mode may now end online classes.
Authorities highlighted the role of the Western Disturbance in improving air quality. A statement noted, “Owing to a WD on January 11-12, 2025, there were rains around Delhi-NCR, and the AQI has shown significant improvement.” The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts another Western Disturbance around January 14-15, which could bring further relief to pollution levels.
The removal of Stage-III restrictions is expected to ease some of the challenges faced by residents and industries. However, authorities continue to monitor the air quality closely and have advised caution in light of fluctuating winter pollution levels.
The improvement in air quality marks a brief reprieve for Delhi, which has been grappling with severe pollution throughout the winter season. While the Western Disturbance has brought temporary relief, experts emphasize the need for long-term strategies to address the recurring air quality challenges in the region.
This latest development reflects how favorable weather patterns can play a crucial role in mitigating pollution, offering a much-needed breather for the capital’s residents.
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