Delhi experienced a chilly morning as temperatures plummeted to 6°C on Tuesday, with a forecast predicting similar cold conditions for the coming days. Alongside the drop in temperature, the city’s air quality worsened, dipping into the ‘poor’ category, with an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 234. This air pollution is expected to persist for the next few days, with some monitoring stations even reporting ‘very poor’ air quality.
Delhi Weather Update: Temperature and Air Quality Forecast
- Temperature: The national capital started the day with temperatures around 6°C, and forecasts predict a slight fluctuation over the next week. The minimum temperature is expected to range between 6°C to 7°C in Delhi, Gurugram, and slightly higher in Noida.
- Air Quality: Delhi’s air quality deteriorated from a ‘moderate’ AQI of 186 on Monday to ‘poor’ on Tuesday, with an AQI of 234 recorded at 4 pm. Out of 38 air quality monitoring stations in Delhi, two reported ‘very poor’ air quality. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) categorizes AQI as follows:
- 0-50: Good
- 51-100: Satisfactory
- 101-200: Moderate
- 201-300: Poor
- 301-400: Very Poor
- Above 400: Severe
Weather Forecast for Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon
The minimum temperatures for the next several days are expected to be:
- December 11: 7°C
- December 12: 6°C
- December 13: 7°C
- December 14: 7°C
- December 15: 6°C
- December 16: 6°C