Arvind Kejriwal, former Chief Minister of Delhi and leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has disclosed 14 criminal cases against him, as revealed in his election affidavit for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections on February 5. These include a case linked to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections in Amethi and others pertaining to alleged irregularities in the Delhi Excise Policy.
This marks an increase from the 13 pending criminal cases mentioned in his 2020 affidavit.
Asset Details
Kejriwal declared having ₹40,000 in cash, while his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, reported ₹32,000. His movable assets are valued at ₹3.46 lakh, whereas Sunita’s movable assets are worth ₹1 crore.
Their immovable assets include Kejriwal’s property worth ₹1.7 crore and Sunita’s property valued at ₹1.5 crore. These figures show a change from the 2020 affidavit, where Kejriwal’s movable assets stood at ₹9.95 lakh and Sunita’s at ₹57 lakh. At that time, their immovable properties were valued at ₹1.77 crore and ₹1 crore, respectively.
Notably, Kejriwal does not own a car or house. Sunita, however, owns a 2017 Maruti Baleno and jewelry worth ₹25.9 lakh, including 320 grams of gold. The couple has no liabilities.
Income Sources
For the financial year 2023-24, Kejriwal earned ₹7,21,530 from his legislative salary, while Sunita received ₹14,10,740 as pension income. The affidavit also reveals Sunita owns a house in Gurugram.
Political Battle in the New Delhi Constituency
Kejriwal is seeking re-election as the MLA from the prestigious New Delhi constituency. This high-profile seat is witnessing a triangular contest. Kejriwal faces tough competition from Parvesh Verma of the BJP, son of former Delhi Chief Minister Sahib Singh Verma, and Sandeep Dikshit of the Congress, son of former Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.
Both Kejriwal and Verma filed their nomination papers on Wednesday, while Dikshit is expected to submit his nomination on Thursday.
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